Do You Need an SSDI Lawyer?

Do You Need an SSDI Lawyer?

If you are applying for SSDI benefits or even if you are just thinking about it, you may be wondering if you need an SSDI lawyer. The lawyers at American Disability Action Group—or ADA—will be the first to tell you that not everyone applying for SSDI needs a lawyer. We can help you navigate how…

How Much Can You Earn on SSDI?

How Much Can You Earn on SSDI?

Have you already applied for SSDI? Perhaps you are battling a disability and trying to determine your best path forward. Either way, you likely want to know how much you can earn on SSDI. The American Disability Action Group can help you find answers. What is the Max SSDI Benefit in 2023? You may or…

How the 2023 Social Security Cost-of-Living Increases Impact SSDI

How the 2023 Social Security Cost-of-Living Increases Impact SSDI

Benefiting 70 million Americans, Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) will see an 8.7 percent cost-of-living (COLA) increase for 2023, representing the highest increase in four decades. For retirees, the average Social Security benefit will increase by $146 monthly to $1827 in 2023 (up from $1,681 in 2022). Like Social Security and SSI benefits,…