Retaining a Social Security Disability Attorney

Retaining a Social Security Disability Attorney

It can be difficult to live with a disability. Individuals often feel limited whether they suffer from a physical disability or a developmental disability. However, if you suffer from a disability you need to retain legal representation to assist you with important aspects of your healthcare. The American Disability Action Group helps people with disabilities…

Americans with Disabilities Act 

Americans with Disabilities Act 

Living with a disability is one of the most difficult things a person can experience, and it can make it challenging to accomplish particular processes you are responsible for performing at your job. Your condition may require some reasonable accommodations to be made to make your job duties manageable. This is where the Americans with…

Special Needs Trust Lawyer

Special Needs Trust Lawyer

If you have a special needs child or loved one, and you want to protect them from government or private agency abuse, then you need a special needs trust lawyer. When people think about special needs trusts, they often think about Medicaid. However, not all special needs trusts are designed to protect against Medicaid. In…

How Does SSDI Differ From SSI?

How Does SSDI Differ From SSI?

If you have a disability, then you are probably interested in programs like Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), but which program is right for you and how does SSDI differ from SSI? At American Disability Action Group, we are here to explain all that. We can help you navigate both…

Do You Need an SSDI Lawyer?

Do You Need an SSDI Lawyer?

If you are applying for SSDI benefits or even if you are just thinking about it, you may be wondering if you need an SSDI lawyer. The lawyers at American Disability Action Group—or ADA—will be the first to tell you that not everyone applying for SSDI needs a lawyer. We can help you navigate how…

How Much Can You Earn on SSDI?

How Much Can You Earn on SSDI?

Have you already applied for SSDI? Perhaps you are battling a disability and trying to determine your best path forward. Either way, you likely want to know how much you can earn on SSDI. The American Disability Action Group can help you find answers. What is the Max SSDI Benefit in 2023? You may or…